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A little sneak peak from our international meetings -
see how we work!

TPM 1 - Faro, Portugal

May 2022

First face-to-face meeting

What a meeting!

The first face-to-face Transnational Project Meeting of partners took place

in ETIC_Algarve, Faro. During this time, we managed to:


  • establish the bilateral cooperation agreements,

  • identify and address issues and risks,

  • provide relevant information on communication and visibility criteria;

  • present the instructions for using the eTwinning platform within the scope of the project,

  • discuss the sustainability Plan and Budget Control,

  • set the objectives to be fulfilled until the next meeting,

  • schedule dates for training meetings and online meetings,

  • had team building activities!


We also have strengthen the consciousness of our goals and got familiar with the project's visual identity.

Our technological partner has explained the mysterious coding-designing-decoding part.


With the plan for the next meeting, we have all came back home safe and full of motivation for the further work!

LTTA 1 - León, Spain

May 2022

Learning, teaching and training activity

LTTA 1 engaged us in the field of language learning and inclusion -

now we are even more conscious of how to prepare the best solutions!


 This activities were needed in order to create in the partnership the know-how of what the needs are in classrooms to work in universal design spirit and what work has already been developed by teachers with their students. It also brought us the general know-how in terms of inclusion and techniques that are already used in education, so that the proposed materials and activities wouldn't collide with the expectations

of teachers and students in the field.


Cherry on top - a know-how in 3D modeling and printing techniques, both practical and theoretical. Now we feel even more familiar with the 3D and AR technologies that we plan to use in our outputs!

TPM 2 - Mestre, Italy

September 2022

Review, evaluation and planning

This time, we have presented the results on upcoming version of TEC++US 2.0 app that, apart from the new layout, will gain a new Augmented Reality feature.


We have also reviewed the brand new website layout to provide informations about the project in easy, inclusive and accessible way. review
We have discussed the logistic aspects of the project and evaluated globally the ongoing work. 

Traditionally, we had a moment to have a look on our paths for the future and set up

the goals for the next meeting. 

LTTA 2 - Szczecin, Poland

January 2023

Learning, Teaching and Training Activity

The year of 2023 started with a Learning, Teaching and Training Activity in Poland where we discuss the usage of technology and the best ways to benefit from the advantages of blended learning and eLearning.
The know-how of how to produce material that can be used in the classroom and how to take advantage of blended learning and eLearning.

LTTA 3 - Podari, Romania

April 2023

Strategic development and Training Activity

Objectives of the LTTA 3 were:
Visit to a special school - Examples of educative strategies in in Romania for students with Special Needs - Real live examples; Visual Communication in Gamification, Visual Communication and Design, User Interface and User Experience, Digital Marketing targeted at the specific audience of the project;
Application Genially; Approaches to learning methods and teachers training, principles, methods, ideas; Select video editing software and related tools from the Internet, fundamental concepts of digital video, perform video editing on a basic level; Examples of the use of materials for Gamifications products. Teams presentations and explanation of gamification support materials to be used with the EPCL.

Be aware of copyright issues and laws.

By the end of the meeting, all the partners felt well prepared to increase their classes in a more digital and interactive way. 

LTTA 4 - Volos, Greece

May 2023

Debate, evaluation of the activities, orientations and reschedule

In the training the participants developed the following topics:


  • Language and identity reflection.

  • How an overt marker of ethnic identity, language, can further marginalize children, youth and adults or exacerbate the risk that they become victims of discrimination.

  • Language and migration processes.

  • How forced displacement often strips populations of their material resources and social networks.

  • How language learning can minimize the exacerbation of inequalities in access to social services.

  • The impacts of language learning in migrants in both their home and host countries.

  • Maintenance of the home language and acquisition of the host country language can alleviate problems, regardless of whether the migrant remains in the host country or returns to their place of origin.

  • How can language be a driver of conflict or a pathway to peace issues related to language and ethnicity often exacerbate tensions between social groups, driving to conflict.

  • Language connection to psycho-social well-being.

  • How mother tongue-based programmes reduce the trauma that migrant and refugee children experience during and immediately following their transition.

  • How mother tongue learning has been linked to a greater sense of empowerment or control over circumstances, and a stronger sense of safety and resilience.

  • What language diversity challenges are for educators

  • Why minority, migrant and refugee children learn better when mother tongue instruction goes hand in hand with second (or additional) language learning. The training will be created taking into account the great network of both partner institutions in the field of migrants, minorities and refugees and will take into account visits to institutions of interest, participation of experts and practical examples on the mater in hands.

LTTA 5 - Podernone, Italy

August 2023

Learning, Teaching and Training Activity

The training was created taking into account the great network of both partner institutions in the field Training in Dissemination and Project Results Strategy.

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The TEC++US Project has been created in the framework of ERASMUS+ Project. Its 1st edition, TEC++US, took place between 2018-2020 and the second one, previewed to last between 2021-2023, is currently being developed.

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